Everyone followed Yu Qian to the arena floor. The stands were full of people, so many that they looked like nothing but a sea of hair.
Wu Jian’s eyes were better than most, and because of that, he spotted Hou Jingshu near the front seating. She was surrounded by her fellow Core Disciples. Most of them were men, but a few were women. It looked like she had been chatting with them, but she turned her attention toward him the moment he walked onto the arena.
She waved at him.
He waved back.
Wu Jian blinked and looked in the direction of the clicking tongue. Yong Hai looked away when he noticed Wu Jian looking at him. He snorted and turned around again.
“Pay him no mind. Yong Hai is merely jealous,” said Xia Lin.
“I know. Don’t worry. The actions of insects doesn’t bug me.”
“… That was a terrible pun.”
“Really? I thought it was rather clever.”
“You’re the only one who would think that.”
Wu Jian shrugged.