“It is a pleasure to meet you, Second Prince Hou Chāo .” Wu Jian gave the man a martial bow. “I have heard a lot about you from Jingshu.”
The man stopped halfway. He blinked several times. “Jingshu? You call royalty Jingshu? Ha ha ha! Interesting. Are you close to my lil sis?”
“I would like to think so,” said Wu Jian.
“Interesting. Very interesting. You don’t seem to be lying, so I guess I’ll take your word for it. Tell me, then, just how is my lil sis doing?”
“She is doing well. I’m sure you know this, but she’s currently trying to cure your father. She technically has all of the ingredients she needs to refine the Nirvana Soothing Pill. A small complication has arisen that’s forced us to wait, but we should be ready to refine it soon.”
“You mean she actually managed to find all the ingredients?!” Hou Chāo blinked rapidly as he took a step forward. He looked truly stunned.