Battle Against Hou Chao, Part II

Mun Han stepped away from the pair and faced the crowd, spreading his arms wide as if to encompass them all. Everyone currently seated and making noise settled down. Stillness permeated the arena.

“Welcome, one and all,” he said in a voice that carried to every corner of the arena. “Most of you know me, but for those who do not, allow me to introduce myself. I am the lord of this city. Mun Han. And I am pleased to announce a special match today.”

A spotlight appeared over Hou Chāo , who grinned as he thrust out his chest.

“Many of you already know this man. He is the second prince of our beloved nation and a powerful warrior in his own right. He has participated in many a bout here in this very arena, and now, he is about to fight a man who has been making waves these past few days.”