Shang Kingdom National Tournament Preliminaries, Part II

“Welcome, one and all. This arena is where both the preliminaries and the main tournament shall take place. We have already received the names of everyone set to participate and have created a bracket for the preliminaries. Before you go up, everyone will be called upon to place their hands on the testing stone and channel their chi. We were given your cultivation levels already, but we are doing this as an added precaution against potential foul play.”

While several people voiced complaints, Wu Jian only crossed his arms and nodded. He’d heard of people from other nations killing disciples and replacing them to cause problems during tournaments before. He’d also had been forced to fight someone who had broken through to the Hunger Realm when he was younger. It was important to make sure no one was breaking any rules.

“Wan Jiang. Twenty years old. Eighth Subrealm of the Asura Realm.”

“Yan Meng. Twenty-five years old. Seventh Subrealm of the Asura Realm.”