Wu Jian’s fight, if one could call it that, was the first match of the semi-finals, and it was disappointing enough that many people boo’d Hou Gun off the stage. The young man looked calm and collected. However, his fists were tightly clenched even as he smiled. Wu Jian knew he must have been burning up inside, but really, it was his own fault for forfeiting during the semi-finals.
Hou Jingshu vs. Mei Xilan.
“Looks like you’re up against our strongest contender,” Wu Jian said, glancing at the woman beside him. “Do you think you can beat her?”
“I’m certainly gonna give it my best,” said Hou Jingshu. She glanced at him with big green eyes. “Wish me luck?”
Wu Jian could not remove his mask, so he couldn’t give her a good luck kiss. What he did instead was pull the young princess into his embrace. He held her tightly as she pressed her face against his chest and hugged him back.
“Good luck,” he whispered.
“Mmm. Thanks.”