Rivals and Friends, Part II

“You’re out late,” Yu Qiang said. He didn’t stop moving.

Húndàn Wang wondered if his smile looked as weak as it felt. “I just… thought I’d get some fresh air.”

“Don’t lie to me. How long do you think we’ve known each other? I can tell when you’re lying.”

“Haaaah. Guess there’s no fooling you,” he said with a sigh.

“Spar with me?”


Húndàn Wang did not have a sword on him. He hadn’t expected to need one, but Yu Qiang summoned a simple training sword and tossed it to him. Catching the sword and setting himself in a basic sword stance, he eyed the other man as he did the same.

They sparred for an indeterminate amount of time, and Húndàn Wang felt much better after working up a good sweat. He realized during their spar that Yu Qiang had better technique than him. It was shocking to realize, but reaching the Human Limit Realm had made him slack off on his training.