The First Test, Part IV

This was the first time in a long time that Wu Jian had been without a companion. Sure, Wong Jiu was present, but he didn’t really know the man, and he couldn’t let this person know who he really was. It made conversing with him difficult. Wu Jian worried he would give himself away.

They were in a booth meant for alchemist master’s whose disciples were competing. Several hundred alchemists were already present and mingling. Master Wong Jiu, being the anti-social old man that he was, had opted to stand in a corner and sip his rice wine instead of fraternize. To him, these people were rivals.

Wu Jian didn’t know these people. He wasn’t an alchemist. The only reason he was even here was because he had come with Master Wong Jiu. He stood near the glass window that overlooked the arena floor, where the second round would take place.