The night passed. Zhou Lihua had not slept at all that night, instead choosing to spend her night in quiet meditation.
She had spent much of the night trying to center herself in preparation for round three, which would prove to be her biggest challenge yet. She was not only going up against two disciples of platinum rank alchemists, but she would be refining a pill she had never attempted before, and it was the hardest tier 4 pill to refine to boot.
As a cultivator at the peak of the Asura Realm, Zhou Lihua could go days without sleep and stil be fine. A single night without rest was no big deal. She felt no different now than she always did. The only thing keeping her preoccupied were her nerves.
She was still worried about failing.
After breakfast that morning, their group of three once again made their way to the arena, and Zhou Lihua soon found herself standing on the platform alongside the remaining twelve alchemists taking place in the final round.