The Final Pill, Part IV

“It looks like my apprentice was the first to refine her pill,” said Yun Che.

“You don’t sound too happy, old man,” Ruo Chong raised an eyebrow.

Said old man sighed. “While I’m sure her pill is fine, it is clear to me that she rushed the refining process. I’ll have to scold her later.”

“My Xaio Wei would never rush like that,” Ruo Chong said, thrusting out her sizable chest.


Wu Jian was doing his best to ignore the pair now. He had no desire to speak with either of them. They were on his shit list now that he knew they coveted Zhou Lihua.

He still didn’t know what he should do about that, but it wasn’t something he needed to deal with right now, and in either event, Zhou Lihua was the one who would ultimately decide for herself. Even though he wanted her to remain by his side, he knew he had no right to stop her from doing what she wanted.

“It’s bad to rush the refining process, right?” Wu Jian asked Master Wong Jiu.