Wu Jian and Zhou Lihua were not alone. He was sure Zhou Lihua would have found this vexing under normal circumstances, but they currently did not have the luxury of having time to themselves. Zhou Chao and Master Wong Jiu were both in the carriage with them.
“Explain the situation to me now that we’re on the move,” said Zhou Lihua.
Zhou Chao rubbed his face like he was tired but began talking anyway. “We only got this information two days ago but… the news going around is that the Yuan Peninsula has been destroyed by a magical beast invasion. According to what’s going around, the invasion was made up of thousands of magical beasts that appeared out of thin air. Du City has been destroyed and the magical beasts are currently crossing the borders into the Song Continent.”
Wu Jian felt his someone had thrown him into a frozen lake. His entire body went stiff. Zhou Lihua sucked in a deep breath.