Húndàn Wang couldn’t stop shaking as he confronted Emperor Cì Shā and his Heavenly Generals. Chills ran up and down his spine. The pressure those three were emitting made it hard for him to breath. He didn’t belong here, on this battlefield, in front of these people. The difference in strength between them was like heaven and earth. He was but an ant standing before giants.
The only one among them who didn’t seem bothered by the intense pressure was Zhe Fēnglì, who calmly glanced at the three through narrowed eyes. He had already summoned his sword. The handle was quite a bit longer than that of a normal sword. Wrapped around it was the finest leather made from the hide of a powerful magical beast. Húndàn Wang had heard rumors that it was hide from a dragon.
“You must be Zhe Fēnglì,” Emperor Cì Shā said in a slow, deliberate voice. “Long have I heard your name. They say you are the strongest core disciple within the Heavenly Sword Sect. Many call you the Sword King.”