Perhaps it was because he had come into this situation late, but he had no idea how matters had taken such a turn. When did Hou Gun turn traitor? Why? Hadn’t he been cying for the throne? Why would he become a traitor if he wanted to ascend to Emperor of the Shang Kingdom?
He glanced at the others who had been present for the entirety of the invasion. They looked as confused as he felt. Only the woman dressed in Saintly Sword Sect garb appeared unconfused. Her expression of disappointment seemed more resigned than surprised. And now that he was looking at her, Hou Jingshu looked more frustrated than surprised.
“So you really were a traitor to the crown,” she said, brows furrowed, fists clenched. “How long? How long have you been plotting this?”
“Does it matter how long I’ve been planning this? You don’t need to know that. All you need to do is lay down your arms and surrender,” Hou Gun sneered.