Absolutely Not

Because he didn’t know what else to do, Wu Jian decided to lead Mei Xilan to Hou Jingshu’s residence. He wished the girl wouldn’t cling to him while they walked. Her actions garnered so much attention. He could practically feel the palace workers’ stares as they glared into his back and hear their whispers as they questioned why someone other than Hou Jingshu was hanging off him like this.

“Who the hell does this brat think he is…? Is soon-to-be apprentice not good enough for him…? Lascivious bastard…”

Matters weren’t helped by Loong Chen, who was glaring at Wu Jian as he followed the two. He didn’t think the man would get so worked up over this. That was his oversight. He had no idea what got this man worked on.

“I can hear you,” Wu Jian said.

“Good. I want you to hear me.”


Wu Jian was wearing his mask again. He didn’t want everyone to know what he looked like since he was still unsure of how well Wu Meiying’s necklace worked.