Preparations for the Tournament, Part II

They traveled outside to one of several training areas. This particular one reminded Wu Jian of an arena without seating. The building lacked a roof, so the sun shone overhead, and the hard stone floor was tiled. Several columns held the outerwall surrounding the training ground aloft. He could imagine soldiers standing around, leaning against the columns as they placed bets on which of their fellow cultivators would win.

Wu Jian stood off to the side with Emperor Hou Jun, Youmei, Lì Liàng, Yu Chenguang, Fengli Cai, and Hua Xue. Loong Chen stood between Hou Jingshu and Mei Xilan. He would be officiating this match, though his expression all but said he was bored out of his mind. His eyes were half-lidded and he yawned loudly. Neither Hou Jingshu nor Mei Xilan paid attention. Both fighters were already locked in a ready stance. Hou Jingshu held her spear in a two-handed grip, while Mei Xilan bore no weapons but had several ice lotus surrounding her.