An Honest Conversation

Mei Xilan walked down the hall toward Wu Jian’s room. She planned on asking Jian Wu if he wanted to explore the city with her. It sounded like the perfect date idea. She nodded to herself. They could visit the sites, explore new places, and get something nice to eat. Yes, a romantic walk around the city was a classic date.

Upon reaching his door, Mei Xilan knocked several times and waited. And waited. And waited. She furrowed her brow after nearly five minutes had passed, then knocked again.

“Jian Wu, I was wondering if you wanted to explore the city with me,” called Mei Xilan. No answer. “Jian Wu?”

She knocked several more times but received no answer. What should she do? Was he not in there? If he wasn’t, where was he? Should she barge in and see for hearself? Mei Xilan did not think that was proper etiquette for a young lady, but it wasn’t like she had been following proper etiquette up to this point. The man was normally supposed to pursue the woman, after all.