And Her Name is Huo Yulie, Part I

Wu Jian was beginning to wonder about his luck with women. He had never really thought about it until now, but he often found himself surrounded by beautiful women on a near daily basis. Even without Hou Jingshu and Zhou Lihua present, he was pressed on all sides by prettiness. Mei Xilan sat on his left, Huǒ Yulie on his right, and Hua Xue across from them, eying the group with something that he thought might have been exasperation. It was hard to tell since her face was so emotionless most of the time.

Youmei had hidden back inside of his shadow to avoid causing a disturbance.

“You’ve certainly found yourself in an unusual predicament,” Hua Xue said with a dry smile.

“It’s not like I did this on purpose,” Wu Jian muttered under his breath.