Her Older Brother, Part II

“Well, now. This is an odd assortment of people. What are you all doing in this booth? Do you not know that it is reserved for members of the Huǒ Clan? How did you get in here?” asked Huǒ Pànguó, an arrogant sneer on his face.

Wu Jian cursed. Huǒ Yulie had definitely not gone unnoticed. It was clear to him now that the young woman had not thought at all about not getting caught. He should have known. She knew nothing of the world. This was evident in how she tried to buy a simple meal with spirit coins.

Huǒ Pànguó glanced at them all, though he paused upon seeing Hua Xue and Mei Xilan. The arrogant look became lecherous. He did furrow his brow, however, when his eyes landed upon Huǒ Yulie, who had once more donned her cloak and facemask. Then he looked at Wu Jian and frowned. There was a slight recognition on his face, but it was obvious he couldn’t figure out where he’d seen Wu Jian.