The First Day, Part VI

Wu Meiying had not stopped watching Wu Jian from the moment the battle started. She was captivated by the strength he displayed and the skills he used. It was like everything around her save him had blurred out of focus. She could have eyes for no one else.

The people around her were also interested in the battle. Zhe Dāozhe leaned back and stroked his chin, a small smile alighting his face.

“Well now… this is turning out to be an interesting match,” he said. “A young woman at the Human Limit Realm who can access a Domain and a young man capable of using the Dao of Space. Who would have thought I’d get to see two impossible feats side-by-side like this?”

“They are both very skilled,” Shui Meili crossed her right leg over her left, the hem of her dress parting slightly to reveal her leg as she leaned back. “I am particularly interested in that young woman. It is unheard of for someone with her cultivation to use a Domain. That she is capable of it means she is quite special.”