How To Use the Dao of Space

Morning came and Wu Jian went downstairs to meet with the others. The crowded cafeteria was filled with noisy people making conversation, and the scent of hot food hung in the air. Everyone stopped talking when he entered the room with Youmei. At first, he thought they were quiet because of the panther, but then he overheard their conversations and realized his initial assumptions were wrong.

“Hey, hey. Isn’t that Jian Wu?”

“It is. I didn’t know he was staying at this hotel!”

“What? You didn’t see him the other day?”


“I saw his fight against Team Sui. He took down all of them.”

“Didn’t the girl he’s with fight their leader though?”

“She did, but she couldn’t win. He’s the one who beat Xaio Shui.”

Okay. So they were talking about him. Well, he was pretty used to that. Wu Jian ignored them as he readjusted his mask and sat down at the table where Mei Xilan, Yu Chenguang, and Hua Xue were already sitting.

“Good morning,” he greeted.