Not Giving Up

Wu Jian and Hua Xue joined up with Huǒ Schuchang. The young man had apparently been very busy dealing with affairs involving the tournament and hadn’t been allowed outside until today. He’d been so ecstatic to finally have his freedom returned that he’d gone on a festival spree, hitting up every food and game stall he could and collecting tons of prizes for his little sister, who was only allowed outside during the tournament itself.

I feel bad for Yulie. It must suck being forced to remain locked up like that.

Her situation vaguely reminded him of how Hou Jingshu’s life had been before she came to the Wu Clan. She had told him a little about her life back then. However, even Hou Jingshu did not have it this bad. At the very least, she had been loved by her dad. Huǒ Huangdi didn’t seem to care about his daughter at all, from the way Huǒ Schuchang put it.