Neext Round Matches, Part IV

Xaio Shui had never felt so much rage before. With a roar, he compressed all of his remaining chi into his Domain. If he couldn’t destroy this man with normal attacks, then he would turn up the heat. The temperature in the Domain quickly rose. It became so hot the arena tiles turned a bubbling red. Waves of heat created distortions in the air. A normal human would have been burned to ash by this attack.

Jian Wu just stood there.

“Dammit! Dammit dammit dammit dammit! Why won’t you die?!”

Seeing his opponent stand there like his attack did nothing incensed Xaio Shui. He didn’t care about that man’s promise, or his reward, or even winning this tournament. He wanted this man to burn. He wanted to watch him turn to ash. He hated Jian Wu with every fiber of his being.