Brother vs Brother, Part II

Huǒ Shuchang took several calming breaths, though that did little to quell his nerves. On the opposite side of the arena, Huǒ Pànguó smirked.

“You seem to be having problems, little brother. Are you feeling unwell? Perhaps you should throw in the towel? There is no shame in surrendering when you know how futile your situation is.”

Clenching his fists hard enough that his nails dug into his skin, Huǒ Schuchang forced a smile on his face. “I have no idea what you’re talking about. I’ve wanted to put you in your place for so long now. Why would I deny myself that opportunity?”

The words were arrogant bravado, and they both knew it.

Huǒ Pànguó shook his head. “You understand well the difference in strength between us. It’s more than just cultivation. You’re not only an entire realm below me, but two circles as well.”