Ambush Part, I

There were six of them. Clad in black suits, a hood, and facemask that hid any identifying features from view, these six were at the peak of the Deva Realm. While he couldn’t be sure, he believed that made them stronger than the ones who attacked the Wu Clan that night. Had those guys been this strong, he and Wu Meiying would have never survived the attack.

Wu Jian wasn’t given time to demand answers from these people. He suspected they wouldn’t have answered him anyway. They attacked immediately after appearing. Wu Jian blinked, and two of the six assailants were right beside him.

How did they move so fast?!


Their attacks passed through Wu Jian’s body as though he were a ghost. Immediately after, Wu Jian summoned Pale Moon and swung it at the figure on his left. His eyes went wide as the person literally blinked out of existence. It was like they had been standing there one moment and vanished the next.