“Hey, hey! Look! It’s him!”
“That’s Jian Wu? This is my first time seeing him in person.”
“You never saw his duels? Oh, man. You missed out.”
“So I’ve been told. By the way, why does he wear a mask?”
“No one knows, but I heard a rumor that it’s because his face is covered in hideous burns.”
“Poor guy…”
Wu Jian wandered through Heavenly Sword City as people gawked, pointed, and whispered about him behind his back. None of it was malicious so he ignored it. Still, a lot of people had way too much time on their hands. If they had enough time to gossip, they should have spent that time training.
“You’ve become quite popular,” Zhe Fēnglì said with a smile.
“I guess. It always amazes me when I see people spending more time gossiping about others than they do training.”
“Everyone needs downtime.”
“I understand well the idea of taking a break to relax. I just think some people relax too much.”