People Who Live for Love

While all the ingredients to mass refine the pills Mei Xilan wanted had already been found and provided for, it would still take a while for Master Yun Chi to refine them all. A week had been the estimated amount of time it would take. That sounded like a long time to refine pills, but Zhoou Lihua assured Wu Jian that this was actually normal. According to her, there were some pills that required a whole month to properly refine.

This meant they had some free time before they had to leave. Wu Jian spent most of it catching up with Zhou Lihua. He learned all about the kind of things she was learning, and what sort of pills she had mastered refining. Wu Jian didn’t understand half of what she was saying. His knowledge of alchemy was half-baked at best. Even so, the joy and happiness she displayed as she told him about her accomplishments left him with a sense of joy and wonder. He loved listening to her talk. He could have listened for days on end.