Airship Ambush, Part V

“Are they following us?” asked Mei Xilan.

“Yes,” came the answer from her shadow.

“Where are they?”

“Two of them are behind us. The last one is on the ceiling.”

Mei Xilan sucked in a deep breath and blew it out. She wished she could see where that last person was. It must have been the one who looked like a merchant.

She wandered deeper into the Skylark and soon appeared in a deserted hallway--the perfect place for her battle.

Turning, she saw neither the merchant nor the young couple. However, she knew they were still around since Youmei had told her where they were hiding.

[Ice Lotus]

Mei Xilan created several lotus flowers from ice and fired them at where Youmei told her. The merchant who had been following her on the ceiling suddenly appeared and dropped to the floor. Her ice lotuses slammed into the ceiling and froze it over. Meanwhile, a shield sprang to life as a young couple appeared. Her projectiles shattered against the shield.