They came across their first dead body. The corpse was in relatively good condition. There were some cuts and bruises, but it was otherwise unblemished. Wu Jian and Tang Tiantian knelt beside it as Master Yun Chi and Lili Ling stood further away. The young alchemist woman looked a little green. She wasn’t used to seeing dead bodies like this. The rest of their guards were spread out around them.
“Take a look at this. His neck is bent at an awkward angle. I bet that’s what killed him,” Tang Tiantian said.
“Mmmm. It looks like he received a powerful attack to the head and it snapped his neck,” Wu Jian agreed.
Tang Tiantian furrowed her brow. “The question is: what killed him? Was it a trap, or another party?”
“That is the question, isn’t it? We won’t know unless we continue on.”
They continued on and ran into three more dead bodies, all of whom Wu Jian recognized.
“These are the Master Ruo Chong’s guards,” Tang Tiantian said.
“I think that’s all of them too.”