The terracotta guardians’ functions were very basic. They could sense a person through their chi, but they couldn’t determine or identify who was a larger threat. That explained why they continued fighting Tang Tiantian and the other two even after he had transformed.
Wu Jian didn’t worry about that.
Summoning Pale Moon, Wu Jian tightly gripped the weapon with both hands and raised it above his head. He channeled his chi into the blade. So much chi was being fused into his weapon that it began vibrating. He worried for a moment that his weapon might shatter, but this was a legendary blade, and it held strong against his might. Wu Jian took another deep breath and compressed all that chi until it was turned into a fine point, then shifted its nature from pure chi to chi infused with the Dao of Space. The once brilliant silver chi became black as the night sky.
“I will only have one shot at this! I need you three to line those warriors up!” Wu Jian ordered.