Why Do We Dream?

Hou Jingshu awoke to fresh rays of sunlight pouring on her face and a gentle hand tenderly caressing her hair. She opened her eyes slightly. Everything appeared blurry, but she blinked several times and a familiar face looming above her sharpened into focus. A young boy with black hair, black eyes, and a slightly teasing smile adorned it.

“Good morning, sleepyhead,” Wu Jian said.


Hou Jingshu tried to sit up, but she moved too fast and slammed her forehead into the underside of Wu Jian’s chin.


Wu Jian went down, chin bruised, and Hou Jingshu cried out in a surprise as her head landed back on his lap.

“Ouch… why do you always do this? My head isn’t made of steel, you know?”

“I-I’m sorry! You just startled me!”

“I’m the one who’s startled! You were the one who put your head on my lap remember?!”