Feng Renjian, Part II

He didn’t have the time for a full-powered technique, so he launched it at a quarter strength. A massive blade of sharpened chi sliced into Feng Renjian. Blood sprayed from the wound as his cousin spun like a top, landing on the ground in a massive heap.

In most other circumstances, Feng Tiangsheng would had waited for his opponent to get back him, but he understood that this man was not a sparring partner. He was an enemy. This was someone he needed to kill.

He tried to strike the man while he was still down, but Feng Renjian wasn’t considered one of the best for nothing.

[Moon Carver]

A swing from his disadvantageous position created an arc of pure energy like moonlight. Feng Tiangsheng swatted it away, but Feng Renjian scrambled to his feet during that time and set himself in a two-handed power stance, feet spread wide. It was like his entire countenance had changed simply by changing to a more solid stance.