Chapter 28: Samarah and normal? That's debatable


I raised my eyebrows quizically whispering a ,"Huh? What now?"

Damon had started nlabeeeing at this point," I knew she wasn't human the moment she claimed me. But after my visit to the vampire king this time; everything cleared up. Unfortunately this knowledge came at a cost and it might have raised more troubles for us than ever."

Unable to restrain my growing annoyance and anger at his cryptic words anymore, my voice boomed out of me," CUT THE FREAKING CRAP DAMON. If you have any sense get to the freaking point NOW!"

Damon's next words didn't alleviate my confusion as such. In fact it left me more puzzled as he said," Samarah is not human. She is a mixedblood."


What now? Was Damon nuts. I am sure Samarah had normal human parentage. In fact I should have been able to tell if she were anything other than human by now.

How could she be a freaking mixedblood and remain unknowing of it for years? , thousands of unspoken questions raced my mind.

" How come you are so sure?", Damon looked at me as if I was stupid for asking such a question before answering," Don't you remember the facts. First of all no human can claim a vampire but she did. Then the recent episode where she almost annhilated me as well as Miranda. Do you still think that's something a normal human can do?", I had never totally digested the last incident. But it had definitely occurred.

"What happened to her now?", Damon hung his head low at my question. " I am sorry, I couldn't push her back when she drank my blood. And after having blood after so long, she went into her transition state. Now we have a chance of her going feral if she looses control after waking up."

"WTF Damon!" , the combined voices of Miranda and Ken shot at him. Their combined verbal assault conyinued on him. " How could you do this to your own mate?!", Miranda spat while Ken blamed him," Do you even realise that she could die now?" My heart froze at the last sentence. But, also I couldn't totally blame Damon.

I knew how intimate feeding off each other was for vampire mates and seeing how hopelessly he was in love with Samarah, he couldn't have stopped her even if he had wanted to. That would be against his instincts.

I quickly defended Damon," I don't expect Miranda to understand this but Ken you of all people should understand.", after all he was part vampire.

Ken opened his mouth to say something but stopped noticing me. Eyes staring at the floor, he replied," Sorry." I still glared at him as Damon's trembling voice cut in," But that's not all. I am afraid that the king might be onto us."

That's when I too officially lost it." Seriously DAMON! The next thing we know is that aliens are after us." Damon butted in," I never meant for this to happen but as I was snooping in the royal library, the king happened to be there and I am afraid that having one look at me, he could have read my mind.

What surprise me even more is that instead of questioning me why I was in the royal library, he just threw me a single sideways glance and left." Before I could question further, Miranda asked," What were you doing in the freaking library then?", echoing my own thoughts.

"Well, ...., I think that Samarah is not just a mixedblood. She might be a royal mixedblood." ,Miranda's mouth fell agape at this as the words left my mouth automatically," Of course. That explains her extraordinary strength, that too without the consumption of blood. Even though mixedbloods are more powerful than common vampires and werewolves. Still, none can be a match for guardians like us and the way she had tackled and overpowered Damon that..'day'... This explains it."

"Then what now?", Ken asked despairingly. " Now we wait till she wakes up and see to it that she doesn't get out of control and become feral."

Surprisingly Miranda's calm voice questioned," So, do we have to keep a constant supervision on her 24 × 7?" Damon sighed saying," Yes, we can't let her out of sight for once. But even we would need to rest, we can't go on forever. So, it will be better if we stay in a pair."

Miranda cut in," Fine, then. Damon and I will take the first shift and the both of you can take the next shift."

Why on earth would she do that? Couldn't her and me take the first shift? How was I supposed to face him now..after last night...

The images of his hands all over me flashed alarmingly in my mind as I relieves each of the marks he has given me, trailing from my neck to all the way down there. I blushed furiously at the last memory. To my utter horror, Ken broke in," Damon you just returned. You need to rest. Me and Kendall will take the first shift." HOLY COW!!!

I gulped audibly as Damon replied," Fine then." Nervously I looked at Damon and Miranda as they exited through the door.

My stomach tied up in knots as my eyes drifted to Ken's strong and muscular frame. I quickly averted my gaze catching him staring back at me. I was left to my fate.