That morning dad had suggested we took a break so we could all have breakfast again as one big family.

"So dad, what happened when you and mom got back to Nigeria?"

I was too curious to wait after breakfast. I expected something like "Remember? Table manners" from mom but she didn't say anything.

My conscience didn't allow me put pressure since truly we were having breakfast and it's wrong to talk while you eat.

Alongside my breakfast, I swallowed my curiosity and decided to keep all my questions for later.....

Breakfast had ended but dad said,

"Allyson dear, would you please tidy up the living room we're expecting visitors."

"Where are you going?" , I asked looking at them quizzically.

"We would be upstairs dear" , Mom quickly responded with a forced smile on her face.

Hours went by and it was six in the evening. I wondered if we were still having visitors. I hoped that was not a strategy my parents used to escape my questions.

It was seven and I decided to give up on the idea that we were going to have any visitors.

As I was heading up to my room, I heard the gate open and a car pulling up in our house.

I ran towards the window to get a quick view at who it might be at this hour of the night. Just then, I saw Mr and Mrs Gbesinro alight from their car.

Quickly, I made my way upstairs in order to tell my parents that we had visitors.

Five minutes later, I joined my parents in the living room as they instructed. Usually, when the Gbesinros visited I simply greeted them then I would leave for my room.

This was different as I was invited to join their conversation.....

On my way down the stairs, guess whom I bumped into?

Petty Peterson.....what was he doing in my house? I didn't see him get down from the car.

"What are you doing here?" , I asked with disappointment written all over my face.

"Are you disappointed to see me here?" , he asked.

"You should know better. Anyway why are you going upstairs? Any problem?"

"Your mom asked me to call you"

"And you had to come to my room to do that? What happened to your phone?"

No Allyson! Not now. This wasn't the time to get into a fight with Peterson. The Gbesinros were probably here to discuss the issues surrounding the birth of your lost sister.

Nonchalantly but with finesse, I shoved Peterson aside as I walked down the stairs and towards the living room.

"Good evening Mr and Mrs Gbesinro", I said with for the first time a genuine smile on my face. I was happy that they made time to come all the way here in order to clear up this misunderstanding.

I sat right beside my mom and opposite the Gbesinros. I missed the sweet fragrance of soap that emits from my mom's clothes. I missed home in general.

"Allyson, we are here because we heard that our househelp happens to be your sister. Can you tell us what that is all about?" , Mrs Gbesinro asked.

"On Saturday when John and I came by, I saw Mary who used to be my grandmother's househelp. I actually went out that morning in search of her. Mary told me herself that she was my surrogate sister"

Mom and dad didn't seem surprised at what I said so I figured they already knew about it. But did they know Mary was their daughter and allowed her work as Grandmother's househelp?

"Truth be told dear, I employed Amanda not knowing her true identity. According to her, she saw the advert and decided to apply" , Mrs Gbesinro said.

"Mr and Mrs Alaba, won't you say something to your daughter? Tell her how you knew all this while that your first daughter was alive and well."

"Allyson, mommy and daddy are sorry. We're so sorry we lied to you. When we came back to Nigeria fifteen years ago, we found out that your sister was alive and well. Your grandmother took care of Amanda during the three years we spent in the States. When we questioned your grandmother for keeping it a secret from us, she said that she didn't want us to give up on looking for another baby. If I tell you I know how your sister survived then I'll be telling lies" , Mom explained.

"Mrs Gbesinro, tell us how our daughter managed to survive? You told us the doctor said the surrogacy failed. So how come?!" , Dad asked.

That was my first time seeing the other side of my dad. It was quite scary and cool altogether.

"What is this question you're asking me Mr Alaba? The doctor even gave you and your wife a hospital's report on the failed surrogacy. Was that not the reason you finalized your trip to the US?" , Mrs Gbesinro had said sounding really hurt by my dad's allegations.

Now I couldn't tell who was speaking the truth. In any case, I was going to figure it all out.

"You might not know but we heard you travelled out of the country few months after we did. Why? Was it to have our baby in our absence?" Mom asked amidst tears.......

"What baby? The surrogacy failed so what baby is that?" Mrs Gbesinro argued.

The silence was overwhelming so I decided to ask......

"How did my grandmother get to raise my sister?" This question was initially for Mrs Gbesinro but her husband answered instead.

"Allyson, we are not responsible for what happened okay? We don't know how this happened dear" , he explained.

Before I had time to process what he had just said, mom jumped out of her seat to grab Mr Gbesinro by his collar. I followed but could barely release Mr Gbesinro from Mom's grip. Dad joined in too. This was the most embarrassing scene.

I was scared mom would fall into depression like she did over a decade ago. So I suggested......

"Mom, Dad. Mr and Mrs Gbesinro. Let's end this discussion for tonight. This is a matter that involves my lost sister. I would have suggested we involved the Police but I want to maintain decorom in this house. Therefore, I would be taking up this case by myself."

"And I would be joining her too", Peter chipped in.

"You would?"

Mrs Gbesinro and I asked him at the same time.

"Yes mom. And yes Allyson. You would be needing all the help you can get", he said.

I knew I had always hated Peterson but this statement melted my heart. And he was right about me needing all the help I could get.

"No son. You would do no such thing!" Mrs Gbesinro said.

"Sorry mom. My mind's made up. This is the only way you can prove your innocence to this family."

"But I'm innocent. They know I'm innocent son."

"I know mom. I know"

Did Peter just stand up to his mom? That was really cool.....and unexpected.

Is Peterson a changed person? Is he no longer tied to his mom's apron? Let's find out.......