She desperately tried to dry her eyes and hide why she came here, but the fresh tears only replaced the old ones. After a few seconds, she gave up and sank to the floor again. I sat down next to her, as she averted my eyes.
"What's beautiful girl, like you're crying?"
I tricked her into giving me a small smile. "It's a human thing, right? Men, I'm telling you, if we don't need them to keep our species ..." It laughed.
"No, it's just ... some of the other girls," she chased sadly. I wonder what she did to get to their bad side. She’s so beautiful, so it might be envious.
I put my arm around her, "Men are bad, but women will dig you in from the inside out."
“Are you new to town?” She nodded. “Just give it a few hours, you’ll find people among you. Forget the girls, no one needs friends ”
I stood up and helped her to her feet. It’s almost the end of my shift and no one will notice if I cut a little early.