The kitchen is very modern considering the exterior looks old, with long dark granite worktops, and chrome furnishings surrounding the room, with white-tiles walls and gray ceilings. This slated floor is gorgeous.
"Oh," my mother sighed "very beautiful."
I nodded in agreement as I opened the tall refrigerator and picked up one of the blood bags hanging from the top shelf. Gary and my dad entered as I grabbed a glass from one of the nearby cupboards, unpacking the blood bag with one of my long fingernails.
I filled my glass and heated it with a handle in the microwave.
"Eww Gary!" I complained as I watched him take a bag and unlucky to bite into it, "disgusting you can't drink a glass like civilized people do!"
I dried up at the thought of the cold blood flowing down my throat, how Gary drank like that was beyond me.
"Lots of blood any day," he replied with only a shrug and showed the fang with blood.