Being mom.... Ep5:

Well on the very first day of my school, I didn't expected to be the best day of my life but I either wanted it to be worst day.

The boy who's seat I replaced with was furious at me.

We'll get back to him later anyways, well two students tried to talk to me but obviously couldn't speak to them I wasn't able to. But they told me thier name Nam li and Fam Park. Both of them were quite nice boys.

I took all classes with full attention. Until the recess time all kids were eating their lunch probably made by their moms and I was feeling bad for myself but glad for them.

Most of the kids after finishing their lunch went to play with their friends except the boy was furious at me named Rem Hyun.

He bullied me for taking his seat and throwed his lunch all over me and he was kept saying " oh poor little girl your mom doesn't gave you lunch box how about this trash eat it."

He laughed at me and said it's not over yet and went out to play.

I was in horrible pain because of being bullyied at my first day of school.

I cleaned the mess he made I went to restroom and tried to clean my uniform a little bit.

After recess drawing teacher came to teach and asked me why my uniform is dirty and scolded me she thought that I ate my lunch and spilled food all over me obviously she didn't know what happened and I didn't bothered to say either way.

Anyway how first day of school ended although it wasn't so good.

School bell rang all students rushed to home some of them was waiting for their parents.

I went home all by myself on a hot day . The sun was freaking hot literally enough to kill a child and I had to walk alone for like half an hour to get home.

But usually I used to go home very slowly because maybe I never wanted to go home cause I knew no one is waiting for me to return. So instead of 30 minutes It usually took me an hour to go back home after school I wander around like a long lost person.

I went home that day and I was right no one was waiting for me or either no one was worried about me to be late.

No one asked how was my first day, no one asked why my uniform is dirty and why I am stinking? No one asked me if I wanna eat something maybe lunch or a glass of water. Just nothing.

I changed my clothes washed my uniform, took shower and tried to cook something for myself I made rice but most of them were Raw.

Obviously I wasn't a chef at that time but at least I try to make things better.

I was hurt but bad at showing my feelings.

My brothers came to me I fed them. They were young so milk and baby food was nice for them. But apparently we do need money to buy that didn't we?

I had to find a job to feed them because my amma never bothered to do anything for us never even asked me if we needed anything.

I was sitting in the park front of my house. I was holding hand of Tyin Kim and in other hand I was holding his milk bottle. I didn't had money to buy milk for him.

He wasn't good in speaking he was just an year old. But from his actions I could understand he was hungry.

And I was helpless...

Tyin started crying and I felt the so upset. I was so young I wasn't able to feed him.

I filled his bottle with water and tried to fill him up with water instead of milk.

Then I took him to swing and swinging him and keep on thinking how to get a job.

Around 6pm I was going back to home with Tyin.

A woman who lived across the street she knew mostly about my amma's behaviour with us and she was in the park too when I fed Tyin water replacement of milk.

She called me and said I know what is happening in your life, I also know you want to feed your brothers and I also know you maybe want a job.

I was quite a shocked because I stranger knew my situation is vulnerable.