Changing for worse

Only few days and living with Masters brother is already hell. I don't get any food sometimes for days and if than it's just leftovers or bones. After first days he throwed me to the basement and chained to the wall with a rug for a bed. Sometimes he comes to play with me and if he is angry he beats me with metal rod until I fall unconscious or he is relieved. "M..master I want h..home".

"Boss, news came from Prague. Your sister have everything under control and the investigation ended".

"What? F*ck that dammed sister. Send for Bianca!".

*Few hours Later*

"Hi Damian. Did you missed me so much or is it for a job?".

"Bianca. My sister had some problems and she sended her pet here. I had some fun with her, but sister already took care of the problems she had and will soon ask for me to send her back that toy. I need you to take care of my sister, if you understand".

"Show me that pet of hers".

Sudenly the doors to the basement opened and Bianca with the Boss came in.

"This is her"

"Hmm let's see. Oh interesting, this is better than I thought. Damian do you understand what she is?".

"She Is a pet. Nothing special".

"You are wrong. She isn't just normal pet. She is half Machine".


"Let's see. Legs, Hands, eyes, voice, skin, brain. She is heavyly modified for combat.".

"What, why my sister never told me?".

"Well either way you did a number on her. What a pitty that you can't see that much".

"Whatever just get rid of my sister".

I couldn't believe what he said just now. He wants to kill my master. No I can't let that happen.

*System Settings*

*Kill mode selected*

*Select Target*

*Target selected*

*Do you wish to anihilate selected target*


*Kill mode activated*

I teared chains on me with my claws and teared a hole in the doors to get out. I walked the stairs up and made my way to the main room. Bianca and Damian were talking about details and payment as I walked in.


"Damian you were marked as potencional threat to my Master. You will be anihilated".

I bolted towards Damian and as I jumped on the table and was about to slash his throat Bianca blocked my hand.


"Why should I? You are trying to kill my employer".

"As you wish"

*New target selected*

I started attacking Bianca one slash after another. She was doing her best to keep up, but soon got overwhelmed. "You should have stayed out of this".


I slashed her belly and right after that her throat. Bianca fell on the floor and started choking on her own blood. I found out where Damian is and located his car moving to the city.

*Run mode activated*

I runned through the window and made my way to the city. Soon I found his car and chased after it.


The window shatered and doors were left with deep scars from my claws. "Damian you were marked for anihilation as a threat to my Master".

"Drive faster and call police. Tell them to use 50 calibre and electric grenades".

He started getting away, but I can be faster than that.

*Jet engines activated*

I took off and started following the car in the air.

Just a little bit more, come on.



The car stopped and I was lying on the ground with huge hole in my side.

*Critical damage*



"You should have stayed in that basement. Take her to the scrap yard".