Chapter 273. Home

With help from Jock, they brought Bassena to the guest lounge in front of them. They put the esper on the couch, with Zein cradling Bassena's upper body to guide the man.

For some reason, the white rabbit was following Zein, and perched on top of Bassena's chest, curling calmly there while Zein stroked the bronze cheek, cleansing the man.

"Cloudy can make you sleep really well, you know, without nightmare or anything like that," Elena explained. "It will healed your esper faster."

Zein didn't know which one amused him more; that Cloudy had healing properties or that Elena called Bassena his esper.

"Thank you, Cloudy," Zein patted the white rabbit gently. He was sure its name wasn't supposed to be 'Cloudy', but the rabbit didn't seem like it minded too much. "You too, Elena."