Chapter 584. The Sun and Mountain above the Hill

Red has always been Radia's color, but the lady he had been waiting for days and weeks this time was even 'redder' than him.

Her long flaming hair in deep orange looked like a flowing sunset, perfectly rigorous and healthy--unlike how she looked before Radia gave her the healing artifact. Her bright and rosy complexion this time was natural instead of the result of makeup, and she looked much younger than her actual age.

The bright red clothes and fire drake coat managed to look good on her this time.

"Sorry for the wait," she said rather cheerfully at the two men who were waiting for her. "I'll return the amount you spent on the field."

The happiness of regaining her power and health was palpable through her voice and light steps, but the two waiting men did not bother to look impressed.

"I hope you do," Radia said dryly.