No one was surprised by the abrupt appearance except for Julia, who felt like a Goddess had just entered the room.
A goddess of storm, perhaps, but a goddess nevertheless; with beautiful glistening bronze skin and silky platinum hair flowing down as she moved with energy. The deep, enthralling blue eyes made it hard for people to turn their gaze away.
Julia wanted to sigh; how could a family filled with such beauties? She never cared about appearance before, but she started to think that she should--even if it was only to make the future family picture look less unbalanced visually.
The golden storm was replied by another golden storm. "That's why you should stay home more often, my daughter."
The girl pursed her lips and stomped her feet as she moved toward the couch. "You should have told me, Dad! And why is my sister crying!"
"Oh, you're calling her that already?" Kar arched his brow.
Lucy tilted her head. "How else should I call her?"