"So...they'll go to space?" Nari asked while stirring her iced coffee--even though it was still rather chilly outside.
"Eventually," Lucy nodded. "For now, the spaceship has to go through launch test first--uhh...kind of like a test drive?--before the real exploration mission starts."
While the whole ship had been assembled and the people involved in the project were confident, Radia wanted to be certain that the ship could handle the pressure up there before sending a full mission with a lot of people. He wanted two 'test drives' with people who could survive even if the spaceship exploded before sending his godson inside.
"For now, they had to exercise and train their body for the mission," Lucy continued.
"Good thing to keep them in shape before the wedding," Nari laughed. "Oh--is that mean their honeymoon will be in outer space?"
"They'll go on a cruise after the wedding, but..." Lucy shrugged. "Let's pretend it's not the real honeymoon."