The Lost Memory

Hidden Health Facility of Eloepura City.

The sound of machine beeping is the first thing that greet Dylan's ear as soon he awake from unconscious world. Slowly he open his eyes. The scene in front him still blurry but he can see someone wearing a white clothes standing beside him. Doing something he couldn't sure what.

His throat feel dry and thirsty. Try to speak but he feel weak. He try to lift his hand but it just move slightly. He struggling to sit up. His body feel weak to even to lift up his hand is hard for him to do it. He feel tired, he adjust his breath to have a gain a bit strength.

"Owh my, he is awake. Jinna, call Dr. Adreina!."

He heard the person beside him speak. Giving instruction to another person. Not long after. He can heard a few people come. Talking to each other but Dylan don't even care what they talking about. His head dizzy but gradually subside.

A light that directed to his eyes making his eyes sting. He turn his head to other side. Avoid the source that hurting his eyes. If his strength had comeback, surely the person who responsible of the light had long been punched by him.

"Sir…sir are you okay? If you can heard me, please squeeze my hand." A soft voice of a women can be heard asking him. The women must be Dr. Adreina whom mentioned by the person before. Dylan thought.

He grasp that women hand tightly. Who ever thought that his clutch which he think just a little squeeze actually hurting the delicate hand until the women complaining.

"Okay…okay you can let go. It kind hurting my hand." She said softly while tapping Dylan hand with her free hand. Dylan let go when he feel the tapping.

Dylan close his eyes again to readjust his sight. The dizziness had been long gone. He open his eyes to see a beautiful women smile at him. His laying position had been lift up to half sit position.

The women wave her left hand. "Do you see this?" she ask.

Dylan just node his head slightly to answer Dr. Adreina question. He then ask for water because his throat feel dry. Feel like his throat haven't taste the water for life. Dr.Adreina just smile hearing that request and give an order to her staff to give him some plain water just to wet his throat.

After doing some thorough checking on him and seem satisfied. Scrabble something in Dylan medical file, her focus back to Dylan.

"You're a lucky to be alive. Do you now your name?" She ask gently

Dylan shaking his head.

"That's not surprising at all since you hit your head real bad. It is miracle that you not become stupor at this rate. You have a strong will to live. Do you feel any discomfort anywhere especially you head?" She give him a sweet smile.

Dylan once again shaking his head.

"Where am I? How long I have been here? Who are you?" Even though he quite certain this lovely lady was Dr.Adreina the staff mentioned before, his asking just to ensure he was on the right track.

"I'm Dr.Adreina you in a safe place, don't worry. Right now, you need to rest. It is a common thing to have amnesia after head injury but it might take a time to have your memory back. Just rest today." She give him a comfort smile before leaving Dylan to rest.

Dylan learn about he's been sleeping for about 3 month from the staff there whose been kind enough to tell him. He was at the government facility who actually managed by military as well health and research but run secretly from public eyes. Only the president and a few people know about this. Dylan couldn't be sure why they need to hide and doing something secretly but he couldn't care less.

After regain he strength he move around to exercise his muscle that had been rest for a quite a long time. He still trying to remember whatever happen before. Whom he was or whose the enemy who made him a sleeping princes for a period of time.

He was standing facing the window and enjoying the warm soft wind touching his cheek when he heard someone knocking at the door and step inside. He turn around to see a not familiar face though looking at him expressionless while carrying a bag. She wore a gray suit matches with a skirt pass to her knees and a black high heels. Hmm, a typical women who work behind a wall. Dylan judge her from head to toe.

The women adjust her throat awkwardly, maybe didn't feel comfortable with Dylan stare. Who wouldn't stay still when being stare by a handsome man. Dylan is consider as a man with a handsome face with intimidating aura. That can send someone away to the heaven with a single stare, they said.

"Hi, I'm Agent Carisson. May we sit?" She ask.

Dylan look at the chair. He give her a gentleman gesture 'ladies first'. The lady gladly accept. The lady sit politely. After a brief introduction and exchange greeting. She show Dylan a few picture. All them look more or less the same. Blood related Dylan thought and the last picture seem a bit different from the other three yet there a bit resemblance.

The boy in the last picture, he sense familiarity feeling. Could the boy in the last picture have some connection with him. He couldn't recall the missing memory but the feeling is there. But as usual, he keep his composure calm and unaffected. The lady could not read him at all.

'Since you didn't remember your name, we have decide to call you as a zero instead of John Doe simply because we noticed that the back of your neck had a '0' tattoo'

Dylan recalled back word the lady that called Carrison had spoken earlier. Because that lady believe that the '0' tattoo simply meaning he is the first experimental subject.

For what experiment? Didn't mentioned but it related with the guys from the picture. And to Dylan surprise is that Lady claimed to know his identity. Who is he, the real 'he' before he turn into these monster. The time when he lost his unconsciousness, the scientist had study him and found out about his power and strength. They were really shocked when they discovered thing about him. If he was really being an experimental subject to certain experiment then he came out as the successful result. And it rise a military concern to government and that he is a threat to government.

For know, his strength and power are still hidden behind the close door, only the chosen higher up know about him and his ability.

I'd said you are pretty immortal because you who should be dead long ago and turn dust but still breath and not aging at all. Whoever made you live until now is actually success. I know a lot about your life before death but I want to make a deal with you if you interested with your former life.

Agent Carrison's face pop up again into his head. Dancing wildly causing disturbance to his calm mind. The offer is quite hard to accept but it cost him an answer of his life. What kind of live he had been before. He look at the moon that shine brightly. No…not the only life before his known to be dead he want to know, that he not really into but the event that cause his memory lose is what he is after.

Alone in the vast darker sky. He made his decision. Jason….the name suddenly ringing in his ears as if carried by the soft wind that caress his skin in this silent night. That name seem engrave in his mind never want to leave. He look again at the moon unconsciously utter the name softly. He don't why but ever since he saw that young man picture, it caught his intention instantly. Like there so much about the young man that connected to him. He feel the attraction.


West of Moonlight Village

'Achoo'…. Jason sneezing. Rubbing his nose with his hand while murmuring. Who the hell is taking behind me. He lean against the window frame complaining in his heart while feeling the cold night air engulf him harmoniously. Staring at the moon radiating it shinning to the entire lawn that lies beneath it a beautiful embedded Azurite stone. The stone glowing brightly in blue receiving light from the moon creating a magical scenery to the beautiful lawn. He just so much immerse with the breathtaking scenery when he suddenly sneeze. Cursing whoever say his name behind his back.

A smooth silk scarf drape over his shoulder. Hindering the cold to further chilling him. Giving him a little warm. Jason turn around to see the person who kind enough to offer him warmness just to see the person smile widely and effortlessly handsome while offering him a glass of warm jasmine tea. Annoying he said to the person .

"What this? Try to win over me?" Jason throw a suspicious look.

Marick laugh hearing the question. Slurping his warm tea before answering. He look at Jason, a naughty thought cross his mind to annoy Jason.

"Are you worth enough to win over? What could I have if I try to win you over? Are you…..hmmm….interested with me perhaps? Where could you find a handsome good looking kind master like me?" He tease.

Jason sneer. Making annoying face. He want to tease him instead he's the one got teased. This man really annoying. But then he is thankful to Marick who had taught him a defense skill as well fighting skill this past few months even Jason still unclear about Marick real intention. But Marick had offered, like Phoenix said just grab the opportunity that lies in front of him widely, his intention bad or good is another story. Even though he learn so much from Marick, he just could not bring himself to call him master. For him, only one person he could ever call a master. No one else.

"I haven't finish up my sentence yet you had thought something weird. What I want to say, are you try to win my heart so I can speak a good word about you to my beloved sister."

Marick laugh his heart out. The women who sat at the fireplace in the living room whose enjoying the warm from the fire is way above any man. She is so high standard, no ordinary man can pair up with her. Her elegant craziness is her own charming. She is beautiful yet deadly. To be with her, need to match up with her craziness. Thank God, he is not just some man. Can stand shoulder to shoulder with her without getting blown away to greet the soul collector.

"Talking bad behind me?"

Phoenix sudden question jolted the two men whose enjoying the magical night with bickering. This women is just to scary. One moment at the living room cozening and then a second stand behind them undiscovered like a predator stalking it prey. Sometime Jason wonder how can Phoenix get at some place and then to another place in a quick moment, is she practice some kind of magic.

"Who dare to talk behind you beauty. Let me put them in the coffin if he ever insult you." Marick spread his charming smile. Phoenix just sneer, What a player.