new members

April 27, 2018 a military policeman about to retire was analyzing the scene of a crime at Allan's house with his partner , and seeing the decapitated head of Allan's father on a stake

—What do we have here? - says his partner

—I think he was killed the head on the stake is like a warning - he replies

—What do you mean - asks his partner?

—The stake and decapitation is a gang warning, it could be a threat to the gangs or someone who does not pay what he owes. He owed a lot of money and had no job probably took out a loan and didn't pay - after speaking another investigator arrives and speaks:

—the two have children, one of them was found dead in what seems to be a robbery where he was later killed by the robber, and the other one we do not know what happened disappeared.

—Maybe a kidnapping by the killers.

November 23, 2018 at 06:15 in the afternoon.

Julia and Allan have left the bunker and are and are downtown in the city as Julia asks questions she doesn't know why she accepted, she just wants to know what she hears with her friend.

—What do you hear from the rest of your family?

—Everyone was killed, even the most distant relatives —Allan answers.

—We were all worried -says Julia

—Were you in that bunker the whole time?

—No, I killed the leader of the gang, he was in the bunker, so I took over the bunker, and the other guy took control of the gang, and now they want to kill me - says Allan as he picks it up in his pocket and points to a tall, bald white man who was sitting with his back to a table drinking coffee outside a bakery, Allan shoots him in the head and kills him

—What the fuck was that Allan?

—If I didn't kill him the worst would happen.

—What if someone saw him?

—There's no one here Julia

—What are you going to do with the body?

—I am going to leave it here, one day some member of the gang will find the body, this guy was the collector and killer, the others are dead.

—I came to you because when I killed the gang leader, but soon after his nephew took over the gang I saw that in one of his papers your father owed the gang money and didn't pay, he had already killed your parents when I got there.

—What will happen to my parents' bodies? -says Julia as tears well up in her eyes.

—The police are bribed by the gang, they have so much money that they bribe the highest ranking military in the city. Don't go to school, you are a witness and they will want to kill you for it.

—tome - says Allan and hands Julia a pistol.

—You'll need to use it sometime, go to the bunker and don't leave until I get back, there is another gang's collector, the leader of the gang that killed your parents, the principal is in debt to the gang and they will kill her during class time tomorrow, they know the possibility of me showing up there, I don't know if I have weapons, I will attack one of the gang's bases and get weapons.

—I will come with you to the school when they try to attack.

—Then don't walk away from me when when they try to attack.

April 29, 2018 04:00 AM. Allan is awake standing in the middle of the street looking at the houses

when the man who saved him arrives.

—You better sleep because you're up at this hour?

—I'm not sleepy, it's not my biggest concern right now.

—I'm about to find out who the leader of the gang is, and when I do, I'm going to kill him.

—Francisco, why do you stay between a road from Macapa and Melonylde far away from both cities?

—Because it's hard to find me here, that's the goal.

—I want to go with you to kill him.

—Are you kidding?

—No, I want to kill him.

—No way, I'm not taking you there, it's certain death for you.

—I'd rather die trying than live like this!

—I trained four martial arts, I was in the army for 10 years, and I've been trying for five years to kill the leader of these bastards who killed my wife and my daughters because you, who have no combat experience, think you can kill him!

—Then teach me what you know, teach me how to use weapons and kill them!

—Ok, I'll teach you, don't come with me, not this time -after going to find out, he taught Allan to use bladed weapons and to fight hand-to-hand.

October 10, 2018 at 16:30 Francisco breaks into the house where Cleiton's uncle Enzo was.

he shoots the wooden door where there was a guy behind her, who falls to the floor the shot hit his neck artery and blood begins to splatter and a guy with a machine gun arrives to help kill Francisco, but before he has time to react he takes a shot in the head and falls dead to the floor

—Today I'm going to kill the leader of this gang and finish you off - four guys appear right on cue and Francisco takes the katana from the sheath between his belt and pierces the heart and body of one of them and positions him in front of him the other three try to shoot him but only hit the body of the dead guy he was using as a shield Francisco takes the sword from his chest and shoves it the last of the four alive tries to grab a pistol and shoot at Francisco but before pulling the trigger Francisco hits the sword in his fingers, severing his thumb, index finger and big toe, index finger and the longest finger of all and sticks the sword in his knee and then starts attacking with the sword in his neck until he decapitates him. Francisco starts taking his weapons, takes two machine guns and starts killing everyone.

At that very moment Enzo appears and shoots Francisco between the shoulder and the rib, who falls to the ground, then he takes a pistol, raises his arm quickly and shoots Enzo three times in the knee, then they take the gun and shoot Francisco in the face, who falls dead to the ground and keeps his eyes open.

—A member of the gang that was there then approaches Enzo to carry him and get him out of there just in time to be shot in the head and Enzo's right arm from the gang arrives just in time and sees that the shot was fired by someone who was outside the house in the backyard and he hears that he is running towards the door this is Alan just as he arrives the arm grabs a pistol to take it out but before anything happens Allan

throws a knife of 20 cm in the neck of Enzo's right arm and then takes the pistol and shoots a shot in the neck near where was the knife generates a small explosion that throws the head with Enzo's right arm 4 meters from the body,

—How did you do it boy?

—Allan takes five steps towards the body of Francisco and closes his eyes with his hand then takes his machine gun and his katana and puts the pistol that he was using between his belt and with the katana he shoves it into the chest of Enzo not so deep but pulls the sword down to make a small hole then he takes the sword and shoves his hand into the hole in the chest of Enzo and pulls out his heart and runs away.

3 hours later Enzo's nephew Cleiton arrives at the house to see his uncle but he finds his uncle dead on the floor with a hole in his chest without his heart to see it Cleiton has tears

-Uncle Uncle who was the bastard who who for what shit - a wounded gang member enters the house.

-Hey you who did this?

- it was this guy there dead on the floor he came and killed most of our members only then he was killed and soon after came a boy who killed the boss ripped his heart out and left running you are now the gang leader - Cleiton shoots this gang member in the head tava angry was very angry at what had happened to his uncle and for a guy coming nothing and says he is a new gang member because I am uncle died.

November 24, 2018 at 5:45 am Alan Julia are near the school waiting for the gang members to show up they wait wait wait until 7: 30 am when class starts right on time the gang members arrive they manage to get into the school even though Alan managed to kill in several kisses with the katana the day before Allan managed to get his guns from one of the houses the gang used to gather Allan steal the guns and only had to kill two gang members they manage to break into the school Allan tries at all costs to try to kill as many of them before they do something, but still 10 of these gang members manage to get into the school to find the principal starts to take the school hostage Alan enters the school and delivered a gun to Julia, Julia squeezes the gun and manages to kill with her uncle in the head one of the gang members that was about to take in Allan Alan comes face to face with a gang member with the gun pointed to the principal the principal when she sees Alan is surprised because just like everyone I knew he was dead. Alan manages to pull a gun and kill the guy before he even does anything with the principal but right on cue the other guy shows up shooting the principal and as the working mother starts to take all the students of the entire school hostage he was also keeping an eye on alava everything on the gun for he was threatening to shoot everyone at the time Julia appears behind him with a knife and hits the knife in his back in a horizontal way the knife manages to go through a rib and hit his lung.

Cleiton had a plan, he didn't just want the principal to be killed for not paying them, he wanted to make sure that Alan was forced to show up there to try to help everyone and he manipulated everything to make sure that it worked, Cleiton put a bounty on the heads of all the students in the class and the police put all of these students on the wanted and dangerous list and the local newspapers started reporting on child killers and a boy as a dead kid and a girl who's parents died, strangely enough, all of these are from one big killer.

—Hey, you bastard boy who killed my uncle, now you're screwed, you're in my hands, I'm going to make you suffer like hell, I'm going to kill you, you bastard.

—No, I will kill you and you will suffer enough I will decapitate you I will cut off your arms I will cut off your fingers I will remove all the skin from your belly while you will feel the pain of it all you bastard, your fucking lab one of these houses to invade had enough equipment to assemble a homemade bomb I put one of the fucking houses that you you of this fucking gang stay, your gang you have several houses right I hope the bomb is just where you are you bastard! -

Allan hangs up the phone Cleiton quickly gets out of that house and runs towards the street right on time the house explodes Alan was lucky to put the bomb precisely in the house of dictation only could not kill him because he managed to escape but the other members that tava in that house died all who were there the explosion destroyed the entire house.

Allan looks at the rewards would know that not only he but all the students in the class even Julia were being sought by the police became fugitives speaks:

-Whoever wants to come with me to protect I will help, I will kill a leader of this big one I will go there and sit you down but I need you to help me who comes with me will not die I will protect you and you protect me we will be one big one to eliminate the big ones first it will be Cleiton then it will be the other two gangs. - the whole fourth grade class that was Alan's class when he was a student resolves with him and also the fifth grade but the rest with those students from the other classes and the other years won't go they would rather be arrested or surrender than take the risk. she knows that probably the only thing that made his class accept to join his gang is because he cared about them but they would also surrender to the police if it wasn't for that.

continued in chapter 3

the boy's gang is an urban work that despite being the same verse as the towers the most powerful being in fiction trilogy will not present a connection but we will have the next web novels:

Vinícius vs Paulo

Laura: former supreme creator

Lucky: the dog that destroys worlds

robot apocalypse

these other new ones as the chapter progresses showed more connections to the towers for more information: http:/