The Vampire Lords

In the Alter World, deep within the empire of the vampires, the 10 strongest among them have come together for a once-every-century meeting. The menacing castles built over a millennia ago are as wide as cities and reach thousands of feet up into the sky. The Vampire Lords who are currently in the Alter World are meeting at the highest level of the castle. As the strongest of them all walks to the rendezvous point, she's met by one of her fellow Lords.

"Ayume, is it true you fought Ariel?"

"Word sure gets around I see. I only told the King and Giles."

"Why didn't you kill her?"

"I intend to the next time our paths cross."

The vampire confronting Ayume storms right up to her and grabs her collar.

"You should be the one most torn by her betrayal, yet you let her live?"

"Unhand me…" Black veins emerge as Ayume prepares to turn everything in her vicinity into a frozen wasteland. However, another vampire is there to intervene.

"Stop you two."


Her blade stands between Ayume, and Ariel's old friend Nino. Vampire Lords rarely meet, but when they do some tension inevitably sparks the air around them.

"Ayume, you're the one responsible for acting as the King's eyes, ears, and mouth. His word is passed onto you to pass along to us. We're the last 3 to arrive, so let's go, shall we?"

"You knew this was gonna happen, so you waited. Tch. Let's just get this over with."

Ceasing their quarrel, they make their way to the Vampire Lord's Chamber. Waiting spread across the room are 7 other distinct characters.

"Heya Ayume!" A flamboyant individual prances over to the silver-haired vampire, throwing his arm around her shoulder. "We haven't seen each other since the last meeting, oh how I've missed you."

"Settle down, Tsukiyomi."

"You've really changed, why is the passage of time so cruel," he sighs. "At least you're still as cute as ever— Agh!"

Tired of the man's foolishness, she pushes him flying to the wall. Meanwhile, 2 other vampires are having a dispute of their own.

"Orpheus you bastard, I know you've been using my men for your experiments."

"I'd like you to refrain from slandering my name. I haven't a clue what you could be referring to."

"Tsk. I refuse to let you treat me as your plaything any longer. I'll just have to burn some of your men to even the score."

"That won't do, you know I can't allow that."

"Then how about I kill you right where you stand."


Before the hot-headed vampire blows his fuse, a vampire clad in armor over 7 feet tall thrusts his sword in between them. "I won't permit any fighting between our kind in my presence. Orpheus, offer up a fair number of your men to make it up to Cysho."

"Hm… I suppose I can since you're asking, Lysander."

"Hmph." The other vampire backs up.

"What a bunch of brutes."

"The only man with class among us is Iakovos, too bad he's not here. I can only tolerate this for so much longer."

"Looks like you can get started, Ayume."

The meeting of Vampire Lords begins.

"As you all know, my sister turned traitor after being freed from her seal of 200 years. She's joined the forces of the humans from that detached land. If left alone for too much longer, they could pose a serious threat to us."

"They didn't even know about vampires until Ariel's army invaded, how strong can they get in only 200 years?"

"Don't forget they had the help from some unknown enemy. Even to this day, we still don't know who it was or where they came from."

"Charlotte is right, that person is the reason Ariel failed in the first place. Their strength is unknown."

"I'm surprised Akutenshi and Hanako haven't conquered them yet, are they fooling around?"

"Apparently 5 or 6 years ago, a single human thwarted Hanako's plans. Their strength is growing at an alarming rate, soon they may be as strong as the humans here."


"That's impossible."

"It's seeming more possible the longer we leave them. They need reinforcements, so after we've subjugated the 2nd to last human kingdom, the King will allow 3 of our armies to go."

"Seriously though, Akutenshi's gotta be fooling around."

"You're obviously going, so my army's going too. Ariel's mine."

"Suit yourself, is there one more who wants to join?"

"All this drudgery for an insignificant land. How unsightly."

"I'll go. This should be fun."

"Okay. The reinforcements will include Nino, Charlotte, and myself along with our armies. The Vizelles Kingdom is sure to fall in no more than a few years. You're all dismissed."

The biggest war Shioto will have faced is upon them.