Special Edition Part 2

Chifuyu climbs on top of the truck as Yuji fast approaches him. The tailing truck gets over a lane to the left and matches the speed of the other one now driving side by side. The driver of the truck that Chifuyu's in notices and gets frightened seeing Yuji climb out the window. Yuji leaps across as the massive vehicles are going 65 miles per hour and climbs on top where Chifuyu is.

"Are you John Wick?!"

"Hand over the volume."

'What're you gonna do?'

'I'm not fighting him on top of this truck, but I'm not handing over the volume either.'

Chifuyu now engages in a defensive battle as Yuji attacks him on top of a moving 18-ton truck. He's under the assumption that Yuji is an absolute maniac. He thinks he's probably the type to find his number-one idol and physically assault her if she ever announces she has a boyfriend. But no, Yuji is only going to these extremes because the special edition volume is for One Piece. 

Two motorcycles approach and notice them fighting. Curious, they watch them for a few seconds before Chifuyu sees them. Another dangerous idea pops into his head. It's a long shot, but it's the only way out of this situation. Chifuyu makes some space away from Yuji and signals to the biker to let him on. Motorcyclists are people who love the thrill and risk. Catching on, he gets closer and waves Chifuyu over. He leaps off the truck and lands on the passenger seat of the motorcycle. Holding onto him for dear life, they take off. There is another, and of course, Yuji wastes no time jumping onto the second one. The bikers now initiate a race between them. Goal: none. Time limit: until they run out of gas. 

This is where they drop a gear and disappear. The bike Chifuyu is on is a 999 cc inline four-cylinder engine with 205 horsepower and a top speed of 188 miles per hour. As for Yuji, his rider has a 1,103 cc V4 engine bike with 207 horsepower able to go 189 miles per hour. The specs are neck and neck so who the victor will be all comes down to the rider. They reach some light traffic and weave all around them. The boys are at full tuck going 130 miles per hour. Chifuyu wants to get a motorcycle, but even he is spooked by the speeds they're going right now. Unlike Yuji who isn't afraid at all. Chifuyu sees him keeping his cool expression and can't help but get annoyed. The race goes for over 10 minutes before their fuel is exhausted and they have to exit the freeway. Stopping at the nearest gas station, they fist-bump the bikers before running off. 

'That looked cool.'

'Yeah, but it's scary as hell. Doesn't stop me from wanting to get a bike.'

"Oi! Enough is enough!"

"Oh, crap."

Yuji was a hair's width away from grabbing the bag. They return to where they were about 20 minutes ago with Chifuyu running away. Before they know it, they're in an area that looks to be abandoned. The path they tread leads into a tunnel that has a sign stating "Do Not Enter". 

It takes 13 seconds for both of them to stop after full sprinting into a pitch-black tunnel and realizing that wasn't a great idea. 

"Hey uh… Let's continue this outside the scary tunnel."


Turning around, they slowly start tracing their steps back to the exit. But as if appearing out of thin air, there was someone there. They were barely able to make out what the person looked like, but they could tell it was an old woman. Chifuyu and Yuji gulp in synchrony. 

"If you two young'uns can't beat me in a foot race, then I'll be taking your balls."



"Ready? 3… 2…."

With their exit suddenly cut off by a deranged granny, they take off at lightspeed back towards the inside of the tunnel.
