"I—I've been trying my best."
"Your best wasn't enough."
Dakota quickly walks up to Tsukihu, grabbing her shoulders and pleading, "Please. I need more time. Just don't fail me."
She brushes his hands off, "Time isn't going to help you. Dakota, you don't have the talent for this."
'Talent? What's that got to do with anything? I've been working my butt off. I know I don't have much to show for it. But….'
"Tsukihi sensei."
"What is it, Erika."
"I'm not okay with this result."
"What're you talking about? You passed."
"I believe you need to reevaluate my friend. Please, give us a final exam."
Tsukihi thinks back to what Shoyo told her after she accepted his request.
"I owe you. Thank you for doing this."
"I haven't done anything yet."
"I know. But still, thanks. And Tsukihi…"
"If either of them aren't up to par by the time their third year starts, fail them."
"…Are you sure?"
"Yeah. Big battles will be coming soon. I've seen their resolve, but sometimes that's not enough. I don't want them to end up getting hurt because they weren't up to par."
"So you've given me the role of crushing their spirits."
"I'm leaving these two to you. Train them with whatever methods you believe will help them become stronger."
"That's what I plan to do."
Moments of silence pass as she ponders on Erika's assertion. Before she can say anything back, the blonde-haired girl continues.
"If we land one hit against you, we win. And of course, Dakota has to be the one to land the attack."
"That's your idea of a final exam?"
Erika gets on her knees and pleads, "Please!"
Tsukihi scratches her head frustratingly and turns around before giving her response, "Fine! But it won't be that simple. I'll be adding some rules. Meet back here at 7 p.m."
"Thank you!"
"Erika, why did you do that?"
"Why? You want to be a Hunter, don't you?"
"I've watched you, Dakota. I've seen how hard you've been working these past few months."
"But how am I gonna land a hit on Tsukihi sensei?"
"That's a good question. Time to figure out our game plan."
'I'm done for.'
"You two will be wearing 3 flags each. If I can swipe them off you, Dakota fails. I'll have two flags on me, and Dakota must take at least one off me for him to pass. I'll be acting as a vampire. Hiding in the shadows in the forest, waiting for the opportunity to pounce on you. Also, I won't be armed. Sound good?"
"Yes. Absolutely."
"Fine with me. Don't look down on me, sensei."
"You sure? If I don't, you have no chance of winning."
"Guess we'll have to see about that."
"The exam lasts until sunrise. I'll head into the forest first. Count until 100, then come for me."
Tsukihi heads into the forest, disappearing within a few seconds. Erika notices Dakota's hand shaking, so she firmly grabs it and smiles to give him reassurance.
"The readers may have forgotten about us, but it's finally our time to shine. Right?"
"Yeah. Let's do this."