The Results

Darren started to look worried seeing that Ian was able to cut a lot of them in a moment. He ran over to Charlie to see what the results were. "Hey Charlie, so What's the final score?"

"Give me just a moment to finish counting." Charlie placed the piles of grain into separate groups.

Emmett was crouched next to Ian trying to see if he was able to stand. Ian was breathing heavily and sweating profusely. His entire shirt was soaked to the point that it was dripping.

"Water. I need water." Ian was having trouble trying to get these words out.

Kevin, hearing this, ran over to his cooler for a cool bottle of water. With a swift motion, he opened the cooler, grabbed the bottle, slapped its top closed, and ran back to Ian.

Ian was now sitting on the ground still sweating a lot, his breathing had slowed but he still had problems speaking. Kevin passed him the bottle of water and Ian immediately drank half of it before pouring the rest on himself.

While Ian was still resting, Charlie had finished tallying the points. He called out to everyone to tell them the results. "Okay fellow the scores are in and to no one's surprise Darren had the most points with a total of 438 points but I'll have to deduct 27 points since he was late from his lunch."

Darren didn't argue with the point deduction since he'd still be in first place. Everyone was getting their score in the order of the most points to the least points. Emmett got a score of 342, putting him in 10th while Kevin had 351 points which placed him in 8th.

Charlie finally made it to the last three and was ready to give them their score. The first guy was given a score of 124 while the second was given a score of 119. Finally, Charlie made it to Ian who had cooled off now but was still sitting. Everyone was waiting to see what Ian's score was and who would win the bet between Kevin and Darren.

Carlie now standing over Ian said, "I got to say you did better than last time, for obvious reasons. Last time you got 87 but this time you got way more."

Everyone was paying close attention to what Charlie was saying, especially Darren, Emmett, and Kevin.

Charlie continued saying, "Your score for today is 1…"

Everyone heard him start the score with 1 and knew that Ian's score was at least in the hundreds. Darren listened to this and felt worried.

Charlie looked around to see if everyone was watching before continuing.

"2…" Charlie said this while turning to face Darren and Kevin with a big smile on his face.

Everyone else turned to face them as well. Kevin looked calm and pleased however Darren started to sweat not knowing if he'll win or lose now.

Once everyone returned their gaze to Charlie he turned to Ian and said, "Well done you did improve but I'm done messing with Darren. Ian your final score is 121. Good job but Kevin lost this bet.

Darren let out a loud sigh as everyone went over to congratulate him. Emmett went over to Kevin in hopes of cheering him up but Kevin looked fine. He still wore a smile on his face as he crouched once more next to Ian and patted him on his back.

Kevin was more worried about Ian than the actual results so he asked, "How you feeling Ian? Are you able to stand?"

"I'm fine, just a bit tired. Give me a bit longer to regain some more strength." Ian had taken his shirt off to try and cool himself quicker.

After a while longer, Ian was able to stand with the help of Emmett. Kevin grabbed Ian's stuff so that Ian didn't have to and then the three of them started to walk away

"Hey, where are you going? You still have to pay for my meal, you know." Darren yelled at them

"Don't worry about it, I am a man of my word. We're just heading to Zoey's to wait for you all." Kevin waved off Darren while saying this.

Once everyone else had gathered themselves after the results they all packed up and headed to Zoey's for after-work drinks.

On the way to the restaurant, Ian told Emmett to let go of him since now he had gained enough energy to walk on his own. He then asked Kevin to give him his stuff back.

Kevin obliged but not before saying, "You actually did it. Maybe not to the extent that I thought you could but at least you didn't pass out."

"Ya but I'm still very drained and won't be able to use it for quite some time." Ian still sounded tired when saying this.

Kevin didn't say anything after this and gave Ian his stuff back.

On the way to Zoey's the three of them met up with Ellie and her workgroup. They were also heading to the restaurant so they all tagged along together.

The first group arrived a few minutes earlier than the other and began to order their food and drinks, not wanting to wait for the others. Ian wasted no time in consuming his food once it arrived. Everyone looked at him in disgust as his main meal, sides, and drink were gone in a few minutes. He was not full after he finished so he ordered seconds.

The only person who didn't view Ian this way was Kevin who wore a proud smile on his face. Emmett, though he looked disgusted, knew that what he was doing was understandable.

Ellie was also shocked by what she was viewing and was wondering what had happened for Ian to eat so fast. Emmett told her everything that happened which was backed up by Kevin.

Not long after Ian ordered his next meal the second group arrived. They had decided to stay back a bit longer to congratulate Darren some more and to chat about what had happened.

Darren, entering the restaurant, walked over to Kevin and said, "Hey Kev, don't think I forgot about our agreement. You still have to pay for my meal before you leave."

Kevin, not paying any mind to Darren, called over their waitress and said, "Zoey, do you mind putting Darren's meal and only his meal on my tab?"

A short girl with brown hair in a pixie-cut hairstyle took note of Kevin's request and went on to take the orders of everyone who just walked in.

Now hearing what Darren and Kevin said, the first group now knew that what Emmett had said was true.

Ellie was worried about Ian knowing what would usually happen to him when he used his power. However, seeing him now made it difficult for her to believe that he did use it, but he was still showing symptoms of him using it. She didn't worry too much about it since she now knew that she didn't have to help Emmett carry Ian home.

Once everyone had finished eating and had paid, they all left and went home for the night.