Elemental Weapons

Ellie had searched most of the town trying to find Kevin, but she couldn't find him. While running throughout the town, she decided to search his house. She doubted that he'd be there since his grandma had already been evacuated, but she still chose to look.

The front door was unlocked so she made her way inside. On the inside of the house, nothing seemed to have been touched. Everything was cleaned and organized.

"Kevin, are you in here?" Ellie yelled out into the emptiness but there was no response.

She walked through the living room and went into the kitchen. There were many cabinets and two closets so she checked every possible spot that Kevin could fit into. After a few minutes of searching, she finished checking every location in the kitchen. Next, she went upstairs to search.

There were only two rooms upstairs plus a bathroom. She quickly went through the bathroom before checking the other rooms.

The first room she checked was not what she had expected. In the room, there were bookshelves that covered every wall completely. In the center of it, there was a single reclining chair with a small table next to it which had a lamp. Besides that, there was nothing else so she went to the next room.

Upon entering the next room, Ellie could tell that it was Kevin's room. It looked like a normal room with a bed, a desk, a few selves that had trinkets on them, and a closet. But there was one thing that stood out the most in the room and that was the sheer amount of bottles in the room.

There were so many bottles on his desk and around his bed. Most of them were empty but there were still a few that were unopened or half-full. The sight disgusted Ellie but she overlooked it and continued to look for Kevin.

However, when she stepped foot into Kevin's room, she heard something coming from his closet. She couldn't make out what the sound was so she got closer to the closet. Once she was a few feet away from the closet she could hear what sounded like heavy shaky breathing. She didn't hesitate to open the closet door but she was not prepared to see what was inside.

When she opened the door, she was met with the sight of Kevin curled up in a ball. He was shaking profusely and had tears running down his face. His breathing wasn't extremely shaky as it also sounded like he was muttering something to himself. The sight was truly saddening. Ellie quickly went over to him to see what was wrong but she soon found out that he was far gone.

She tried to call out to him but he wouldn't respond. She tried shaking him but he still remained frozen in his spot. Nothing she did work. He kept sitting in the corner of the closet as his gaze was lost to an unknown location. His face was filled with fear and sadness. He was too far into his panic attack that Ellie felt hopeless.

Finally, Ellie decided to do one last thing. She gathered as much power as she could into her right arm before slapping Kevin. This seemed to have woken him from his panicked state.

When he came to, he looked at Ellie with confusion and said, "Ellie? What are you doing here?"

"You idiot! You had us worried." Ellie said as she quickly went up to hug him.

"What's happening?" Kevin was confused. He had no idea why Ellie was at his house.

Ellie quickly explained the situation and told him that everyone else was in the safe zone.

Kevin took a moment to process what he was told, he was still a bit dazed from earlier. Once he collected himself, he said, "Thanks for coming to get me."

"Don't mention it. We know you would do the same." After that, they both made their way to the testing hall where everyone else was at.

Back at the battlefield, Roy and Klev were struggling with their fight. They were both attacking at the same time but the wolf was able to evade everything. Not a single punch or kick came close to landing.

The wolf itself showed no emotion as it dodged the attacks. It didn't even try to fight back. It just kept kiting them as if it were messing with them.

Both Roy and Klev were getting frustrated. It had been a few minutes since they launched their assault and still, they couldn't land a hit. The only other time that something similar has happened to them is when they trained with Ian's dad.

More time passed and the two of them were starting to get tired. It hadn't been that long since they had obliterated an entire army of wolves but now here they were struggling with just one.

Eventually, the wolf got bored of dodging and decided to attack. When it saw an opening it swung its tails and knocked both of them away.

Roy and Klev didn't take any damage from the attack but they were still stunned. They were surprised at the fact that the wolf used enough power to push them away without hurting them. After that attack, they knew that the wolf was just toying with them. It didn't see them as a threat.

This enraged them so they both agreed to change their fighting style. They were no longer going to throw punches. Instead, they were going to launch elemental attacks. Klev would sprout stone spikes from the ground while Roy threw multiple stone spears from above.

They wanted to make sure that the wolf had nowhere to go but that didn't matter. The wolf did not try to dodge as they thought. It instead chose to fight back. As both attacks were coming at it, its white tail began to blow. A second later, a sphere of wind appeared around it, blocking both attacks.

afterwards, its green tail began to glow, and large thorny roots grew out from the ground. The roots rushed over to Roy and Klev before wrapping around them. Once they grabbed a hold of them, the roots lifted them up into the air before slamming them to the ground. Soon after, more roots appeared and began to slam against them.

The wolf looked satisfied by its work, but its face quickly changed back.

After a few seconds, Roy and Klev broke through the onslaught and destroyed the roots. They both had a few cuts and bruises but they were mostly fine.

The wolf looked annoyed and decided to send more roots in their direction. However, Roy and Klev were able to break each root that came their way.

They slowly advanced towards the wolf as they continued to punch each root. Once they were close enough, they launched another attack at the wolf. But right as they were about to hit it, the wolf put up its wind shield and pushed them away once more.

"This bastard is harder to deal with than we thought," Roy exclaimed as he wiped some blood off of his lip.

"Yeah. It looks like we're gonna need to use them against this foe," Klev said as he cracked his knuckles.

"I was hoping not to use them since we still don't know how to properly use them, but we have no other choice," Roy said as he stood up straight and stretched.

afterwards, they both stood up straight and closed their eyes. The air around them began to swirl around them as they concentrated. Slowly the energy inside of them began to move in front of them. They both reached out to grab it and focused even more. The energy in their hands began to grow and slowly solidify. Something was forming in their hands.

Roy had his fists against each other as he focused his brownish energy. After a few seconds, he stretched out his arms as the energy started to wrap around his fingers. Once the energy became more solid, he slammed his fist together. afterwards, a pair of brown metallic misty knuckle busters appeared on his fist. "Oh yeah, this is going to be fun now."

When it came to Klev, he had his arms stretched out together as if he was holding something. As the brownish energy in his hands grew stronger, he brought his hands closer. Slowly he pulled them apart as a brown stoney misty rod began to form.

The rod was as thick as a broomstick but was over two meters long. Once the rod was formed, Klev stuck it into the ground. afterwards, he pulled it out, and on the end of the rod, there was now a large hammerhead. The hammerhead was three times larger than his head.

"Now then Roy, hows about we show this wolf what we're truly made of," Klev said as he spun his newly formed hammer around with ease.

"With pleasure," Roy said before rushing towards the wolf to throw a punch. His speed seemed to have increased after summoning the knuckle busters.

The wolf didn't look like it was going to dodge. Instead, it put up its wind shield to block the incoming attack. The shield was able to block Roy's attack but it didn't see Klev attacking from behind.

Klev's hammer came rushing down upon the wolf with an enormous amount of force. The wolf thought that its shield would be able to block the attack but a moment later its face changed to shock.

The hammer broke through the shield and was now heading towards the wolf. But the wolf used its wind power to blast itself away from the attack. As soon as the wolf moved out of the way, the hammer struck the ground creating a large four-meter-wide crater. A moment later, the crater sunk deeper and grew to ten meters wide.

The wolf was surprised at how much force was behind that one attack. It knew that it couldn't withstand too many of those attacks so it was going to need to avoid them as much as possible. However, it still had to deal with Roy who was now rushing towards it once again.

Roy launched into a flurry of punches, trying to land a hit. But the wolf was still faster than him. The wolf tried sending some roots at Roy but he easily broke through them.

As the wolf kept dodging Roy's attacks, Klev came from behind once more. He swung his hammer aiming for the wolf's side. However, the wolf was able to get out of the way. The hammer was now heading for Roy and Klev couldn't stop his attack. The wolf looked happy as it saw Klev's hammer about to hit Roy.

But a moment later, Roy ducked under the hammer and grabbed onto it. Roy pulled himself onto the hammer's head as Klev continued to swing it around. Klev spun his hammer faster until he looked like a spinning top. Once he gained enough speed, he launched Roy towards the wolf.

Roy was now traveling faster than before. The wolf had no time to react, Roy was already in front of it, throwing a punch. Roy's fist plunged into the wolf's face, sending it flying into the nearby forest. As it flew into the forest, the wolf also broke through some trees before coming to a stop.

Roy and Klev were celebrating the fact that they not only landed a hit but most likely did some massive damage. However, their celebration was cut short. The wolf was already making its way back to them.

Blood was coming out of its mouth, and its face was now angry. Before it was just messing with them but now it was beyond mad. It was no longer going to hold back.

As it emerged from the forest, its third tail began to glow. It glowed a bright blue color as clouds began to form above the battlefield.

Roy and Klev thought the wolf's third element was water or the weather but they didn't care. Klev readied his next attack as Roy prepared to rush towards the wolf once more. But as soon as Roy took his first step, a flash of blue light fell from the sky and crashed down on him.

Klev was barely able to notice the flash of light but when he looked over to Roy, his face filled with shock. Roy collapsed on the ground as steam rose from his body. Flickers of blue electricity moved throughout his body making it twitch. His knuckle busters had vanished which led Klev to believe he was unconscious.

He now knew that the wolf's third element was lightning. Fear was now creeping up behind him. He had no idea what to do now. But a second later, lightning came rushing towards Klev. He quickly reacted and stuck his hammer into the ground to try and redirect the lightning. As soon as he did, the lightning struck the hammer and safely dispersed into the ground. Klev knew he would be safe as long as he had his hammer.

The wolf looked incredibly angry as it saw Klev defend himself from its attack. It wasn't going to waste any time so it quickly ran towards Klev to attack him with everything it had.

Klev saw this and readied himself for the next fight. He knew he could defend against any elemental attack but only if he was fast enough. This was going to be a fight against the clock.