Start of the Season

Fantastic, Happy, and Success are the words that you hear when you think about your life in the future. I also liked my life being successful and thrilling like any other teenage boy who has just got his voting rights and got his license. A life full of enjoyment a nice girlfriend whom you love, spend your days with her plan your trips and go on dates. But life does not go as planned.

My name is Rahil, well to be honest my full name is Md. Rahil Raza. I know it's a long name and people around me find it difficult to spell my name it feels like a 3 marks answer to remember my name so I keep it simple and only tell them Rahil at first.

I'm currently 22 years old and lived in Himachal but now shifted to Delhi and for those who do not know they are states in India. I have a handful of people I know. Well basically they know me because I mostly do not talk to strangers it's an awkward feeling I get when I talk to them. Well, to be honest, I have three best friends who are with me for almost 4 years and in those years I have done a lot of things that I am embarrassed about and things that I can't tell most people.

So let me start my not-so-good life with a lot of ups and down..... well mostly downs cause I told you life is not completed without luck and I think that I have done something to it that it doesn't respond to me. Don't worry I'll give you enough proof that you will believe me.

I have planned for myself but done BBA for the sake of doing graduation and look at my luck I entered college then attended first sem. In the first semester, I had a childhood friend with me Keshav. He and one of my current best friends Umesh, Tushar, Rahul, and some girls. They were friends before me and I was also added to their group. We attended classes normally. No bunks or anything and I guess that was pretty fine. It was normal college days I was so much innocent at that time.

But after a month or so they brought to me my other current best friends Dushyant and Bhuvesh. Well, Bhuvesh was in my school with Keshav but I didn't talk to him. Dushyant was the new kid who I met for the first time and I didn't talk to him. They all spent their time. And went home

I went home and prepared for the next day but I didn't know that there were a lot of twists coming into my life.