Randoms 3

New day new life I sometimes wonder what is life. A series of life and death? Some say it's an emotional rollercoaster. I do feel that too. But in our family, it's said that it's a test to see our loyalty towards our lord. If that's the case then I can say I am becoming loyal. The whole credit goes to my Dewdrop. She is the reason that I have become loyal.

I don't even remember how many times it has been that I have asked for her, my lord. Some people got her without any effort and here I am giving my all. But it's damn true if I don't get her I'll never like anyone. She's my last Dewdrop.

I always see her without even looking at her like all her actions are right in front of me. I did even try for that. Today she was not feeling well she went to the washroom to vomit and I don't even know when I went after her. I was just roaming outside because I could not help her.

I want her to be with me and that thing has grown so much that if I don't get her it will be a big trauma I don't even know if I'll be able to write again. But I'll do my best to get her to read it so that she knows everything. I hope she doesn't regret the choice she will make but if she does at that time I'll accept her then too I'll make things right and accept her.

I plan to start a company with her and mine name combines haven't thought of a slogan or main line but I know it will be a clothing name so keep an eye out if you ever say something similar online know it's me.

I know I'm nothing special I'm too replaceable, most of the people that I have met either used me or left me after they went through the traumatic please of their life with me. There's a saying that the lord send angel like people in everyone's life to help them. I always become the angel of others but when I need the angels I only have the lord. I guess these are the tests he takes so that I can get the best.

I always keep patience because it's said that the lord is with those who keep patience so I keep the patience so that my lord is pleased and keeps smiling even when my heart bleeds. So it's a good thing that I do because people tend to judge instead of showing care. My Dewdrop is different from them. She cares for me, gets angry for me, and speaks up for me when I'm not around. What can I ask?

I want her for the rest of my life and never give to anyone. I'll stay always even if she doesn't choose me I'll stay because she is the one thing I cannot fathom the courage to give up. Hopes she will soon understand what I can do for her.

My heart aches whenever she is away or she is angry with me. Someone once told me about a person who was in true love. I didn't believe him and it felt like a tale. But now I think of it it all matches. Sometimes it feels like my heart is made of glass and in certain situations, it feels like my heart is in someone's hand and they are applying pressure on it and it starts breaking. Little by little crack appears and then it is left like that.

I hope you don't get depressed or feel pity for that. It's not fiction right now every part of the random series is true le and what I feel so I hope you'll understand. Till next time Sayonara!!