Chapter 15

THE Coral Reef Lounge was packed, much to Peter Owen's satisfaction. Friday nights were always good business, but he'd plugged this evening's special performance on local radio this morning, organised the billboard to catch the interest of passers-by, and the response was even better than he'd hoped. The greatest songs from favourite musicals appealed to all ages—a sure drawcard—and he'd given Gina Terlizzi's voice a big wrap, as well. A star of the future.

He hoped Gina wasn't having an attack of nerves in the dressing- room. They'd rehearsed most of the afternoon and she'd been on fire, ready to sock the songs to the audience with all the voice power she had. Now all geared up in the bronze evening dress she'd worn for the wedding duets last week, she looked every bit a star.

The question was whether to tell her that the King family was here in force, Isabella herself with her three grandsons, notably Alex looking moody and magnificent.

Would it put Gina off or turn her on?

Once she was on stage and in the spotlight, she might not see them.

The audience could remain a blur to her. It might be better to keep her focused on the songs— no distraction. On the other hand, the urge to show Alex King she could be a star in her own right might just push her to that extra edge of performance that created magic.

Alex King checked his watch again. Time was crawling. Gina's debut on stage here was scheduled for nine o'clock and there were still six minutes to go. Peter Owen was doing his thing on the grand piano, warming up the audience, but Alex was incapable of appreciating the man's talent in these circumstances. His whole mind was bent on projecting to Gina that he was here for her.

Very publicly here for her, with his entire family in tow to witness where his heart lay, and it sure as hell wasn't with Michelle Banks. As far as he was concerned, Michelle had ceased to exist. He'd told her so in unequivocal terms last night. And threatened her with legal consequences if she used his ring to make false claims again. His fury over that deceit put an even finer edge on his taut nerves as he waited for Gina's appearance.

She had to realise he didn't view her as a bit on the side. Nor would he treat her as one. He'd introduce her to his brothers, make sure she understood that his grandmother was aware and approved of a relationship between them. Surely such a public statement, would have its impact on the sleazy doubts Michelle had planted in her mind.

Isabella Valeri King sat very comfortably, listening to Peter Owen's virtuoso performance. He really was an excellent pianist. She was looking forward to the act he'd worked out with Gina Terlizzi. Though, of course, the highlight of the evening would come after the performance.

She was very aware of Alessandro's tension. And her other grandsons' curiosity. Their older brother's request for their support on such a personal matter was extraordinary. And the sheaf of red roses he'd brought with him had certainly raised their eyebrows.

Although both Antonio and Matteo had heard Gina Terlizzi sing last week, neither of them had known of any attachment formed between the wedding singer and their brother. The news of his broken engagement to Michelle Banks had come as a thunderclap, let alone this sudden piece of family stage management to impress a woman they hadn't even been introduced to. Tonight was certainly shaping up as of prime interest to all of them.

It gave Isabella intense satisfaction to know that Michelle Banks had completely obliterated any chance she might have had of retrieving a relationship with Alessandro. And her malicious meddling yesterday had vindicated Isabella's own meddling in this affair. It had also fired up so much feeling in Alessandro, Isabella could only hope now she'd done right in bringing Gina Terlizzi to his attention.

What if Gina was persuaded to pursue a career in singing? Would she still be a good wife for Alessandro? was still a worry, but not as big a worry as it had been with Michelle Banks. Tonight, Isabella was content to count that blessing, and hope for more.

* * *

Gina stood in the wings, waiting for her cue from Peter. She took deep breaths, needing to calm the tremulous state of her nerves. Her parents were out in the audience. Her older brother and his wife had come, too. The whole family was excited about this chance for her, and she was determined they should be proud of her singing tonight. No mistakes. No going blank on the lyrics or wavering off the note. Total focus on delivering the best she could give.

Applause followed Peter's last flourish on the piano. He stood and bowed, then strolled to the apron of the stage, carrying his microphone with him, ready to woo the audience with words which she had to live up to.

With an ease Gina envied he jollied them into a buzz of anticipation, then held out his hand to her and with an encouraging smile, called her on-stage.

Her heart was pounding but she managed to reach his side without any mishap. Peter gave her waist a squeeze as they waited through another round of applause. "Isabella King is here with her three grandsons," he whispered in her ear, electrifying every nerve in Gina's body.

Alex...with his family?

"That's hefty support, Gina, so break a leg!" Peter urged.

The old theatrical expression for good luck barely penetrated the daze of shock. No way in the world could she have anticipated such a move from Alex—such a public move! What did it mean?

Or had Isabella King commanded her grandsons' presence here? But why?


"One of the great musicals of recent times is West Side Story," Peter announced. "And what more fitting song to begin our program than Maria's and Tony's heart-lifting duet. Ladies and gentlemen, we give you... 'Tonight!'"


No time to sort out the chaos in her own heart. Somehow she had to rise above it. Peter was moving back to the piano. He'd handed her the microphone she was to use. This was the kind of moment that separated amateurs from professionals. The show must go on! Never mind Alex and the King family. Her own family was out there, willing her to pull this off.

Pretend she was Maria in West Side Story—the modern remake of Romeo and Juliet.